Accommodation Basics: Where to Start

If you are not familiar with the accommodation process or accommodations in general, it can seem a little daunting at first. Here are some suggestions on how you can get started.

当然, you are always welcome to contact SAS directly for any additional guidance and support. We are here to help you through the accommodation process.


Continue Exploring the Accommodation Basics 

If you would like to learn more about accommodations, then you can continue to explore content within our accommodation basics section. Content in this section includes about: 

Review the SAS Accommodations Guide: Procedures and Practices

SAS has created a guide that provides details about some of our more common accommodations. This includes information about:

  • What the accommodations are
  • Key things to know
  • Student responsibilities
  • Information about processes
  • Implementation recommendations
  • Common questions

当然, there are many other accommodations that SAS can help students explore that are not in the guide. All accommodations are determined through an individualized process so can vary.

SAS Accommodations Guide: Procedures and Practices

Review the 3 Key Steps and Prepare to Register with SAS

As detailed within the SAS Student Handbook, accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process. 学生 must request accommodations and accommodations cannot be retroactive. SAS is here to help students with the accommodation process:  

  1. Register with SAS
  2. Submit Documentation  
  3. 与SAS会面  

SAS will work with each student to determine which accommodations are reasonable, and can help students understand how accommodations will be implemented.  

Request Accommodations